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Reporting Issues

A minimal, reproducible example

You're expected to provide a [minimal reproducible example] of input code that will demonstrate your issue.

To get to this example, you can remove bits of your code and stop if your issue ceases to reproduce.

Obtaining the source code given to Terser

Because users often don't control the call to await minify() or its arguments, Terser provides a TERSER_DEBUG_DIR environment variable to make terser output some debug logs.

These logs will contain the input code and options of each minify() call.

TERSER_DEBUG_DIR=/tmp/terser-log-dir command-that-uses-terser
ls /tmp/terser-log-dir

If you're not sure how to set an environment variable on your shell (the above example works in bash), you can try using cross-env:

> npx cross-env TERSER_DEBUG_DIR=/path/to/logs command-that-uses-terser

Stack traces

In the terser CLI we use source-map-support to produce good error stacks. In your own app, you're expected to enable source-map-support (read their docs) to have nice stack traces that will help you write good issues.